3、涉及金钱交易时请多留个心眼,不要贪图便宜,以免上当受骗,元宝比例 1:10 可联系客服进行充值!
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**** Hidden Message ***** 邪魔之眼邪魔之眼邪魔之眼 为保住菊花,这个一定得回复! - Open a whole folder (workspace) with all your .txt files for easy access
- Drag&Drop files into the program to load them
- Edit multiple files at once (tabbed layout)
- Search functionality
- Fix the first X columns to keep track of the current row when scrolling to the right
- Alternating row colors for readability
- delete/append/insert and copy rows
- Handy shortcuts for editing:
* Delete = Empty cell
* Ctrl + Delete = Delete selected row
* Ctrl + + = Increment cell value by 1
* Ctrl + - = Decrement cell value by 1
* Escape = Cancel/Undo changes while editing a cell
* Ctrl + C = Copy cell contents to clipboard
* Ctrl + X = Copy cell contents to clipboard and empty selected cell (cut)
* Ctrl + V = Paste clipboard to selected cell 呵呵。。。不错啊 不错,顶一个! 珍惜生命,果断回帖。 不错,楼主用心了,我等必须支持下 正需要,支持楼主大人了! 支持,赞一个